Memory Book
Quantum Dignity Day
On 7th. March this year Quantum Care’s Training Department held a Dignity Champions Workshop in Welwyn Garden City in support of the Department of Health Dignity Challenge. The workshop was an exciting and interactive day with two people from each of our care homes attending, and leaving with the knowledge and materials to help them to promote dignity in their Home in a variety of different ways.
As part of the event our staff made contributions towards the Dignity Tree, with ‘leaves’ containing ideas about what dignity means to them, and how we can ensure that the dignity of each and every one of our residents is respected. Our Dignity Tree now takes pride of place here at Head Office for all of our staff to see, and to support our enthusiastic and committed Dignity Champions to lead the way with promoting dignity in all areas of life within each of our Homes. Below are a couple of the inspiring comments left by members of our staff following the event: