Memory Book
1940s Digni-Tea 2016

Today at Fotherby House we held our 1940s themed Digni -Tea
The Mayor of Louth attended with her Consort. She read out quotes from a dignity box in which everyone , residents, visitors, staff had put What Dignity Meant to them. She also read a poem written by our Dignity Champion and another poem which brought her to tears.
We had information leaflets which explained the meaning of Dignity in Care and a sample Dignity Audit which is done every two months by our Dignity Champion.
We had entertainment from a local group called Jack Of Diamonds , who were fantastic and whom we would highly recommend. Our residents all joined in with a singalong and were fully interactive, those who could get up and have a dance did so .
We had a Dignity Cake designed by our chef and a full 1940s Buffet.
The whole Fotherby Family had a great afternoon .