Memory Book

Remembrance Morning

The residents of Digby Court have been remembering and reminiscing about the past. This was helped along by volunteers and family, who brought in photographs and other items to help jog their memories.

Lots of stories were remembered and recorded, including a resident who recalled how as a little boy he once ran down the alleys and pathways to school and then years later when served as a stoker on a naval vessel the engine room reminded him of the alley ways.

One resident remembered opening the gates of the field to let all the cows out and then going to the farmer and saying 'The cows are out!'. The farmer would then pay them tuppence each to help him round the cows up. A nice little earner!

Many happy memories were also recalled, with wedding days being especially mentioned. There were several where it had rained.

Learning about a residents life history can be a very important tool in helping to care for a resident. it also promotes good communication between staff and residents and can help us to treat each resident as an individual with individual needs

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