Memory Book

Make a difference

I am an activity organiser for a charity organisation and i put up three displays around my workplace so that everyone could see how important this action day is and to remind people (staff & clients) how dignity and respect towards each other is so important and it doesn't have to be big changes, but small changes that can make a difference to someones daily life.

On the actual day i made available raffle tickets all over the building along with notices to ask everyone within our organisation to reward a free raffle ticket to anyone they saw "Making a Difference, however big or small. I then promised to make the day special for the person who won.The following day i drew the winning ticket which went to one of our housekeeping staff, Rita. Rita was presented with a bunch of flowers, chocolates, champagne,helium baloon, a well done card and a voucher for Bettys. I then asked her where she would like to go for a meal (with a friend) and i would give her gift vouchers to go out for a lovely meal.

On our Residential Unit, I asked staff and residents to "Make a Wish" I would along with other staff and any outside help, try and grant as many wishes as we could. We have had some interesting ones! One lady wants Alan Titmarsh to come and design us a garden and another wants to go to Cape Town! Alot of the other wishes are quite small in compaeison but still very important.

Although i tried to get many staff to become Dignity Champions, it was difficult as many didnt have access to a computor or had an email address, but hopefully next year we will be more prepared and can realy get everyone on board.

I did'nt have alot of time to plan for the event only being told by our general manager 2weeks before the event.

My Manager has agreed to do some training to all staff re-dignity/respect.

I did download the cartoon pictures and put them up aroud the building and they certainly got everyone talking!

I realy enjoyed the whole thing and it did highlight many things we sometimes take for granted as being acceptable which in theory are not.

Hope everyone enjoyed the day!

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