Memory Book
Skills for Care
Skills for Care believe being treated with dignity is a human right not a privilege, and made a pledge to recruit an extra 1000 Dignity Champions into the adult social care sector.
The workforce development agency for adult social care ran a series of regional events supporting National Dignity Day, which aimed to promote the campaign and sign up more champions who believe passionately about Dignity in Care
Skills for Care is encouraging 1.5 million workers to change the way they think to make sure the services they help deliver are compassionate and person-centred as well as being efficient.
Champions are supported to stand up and challenge disrespectful behaviour wherever they find it, act as role models by treating others with respect and influencing colleagues to put dignity at the heart of everything they do.
“Skills for Care staff wore their Dignity Champion badges with pride" on Dignity Action Day
Whilst the vast majority of adult social care is of a very high quality, there is absolutely no room for complacency, we want to make sure that the basic human right to be treated with dignity and respect is at the heart of all the work we do - engaging with 35,000 adult social care employers.”
After one of their Dignity Action Day events Skills for Care received the following email from a home manager and more like this.
“My self and the entire team are all for supporting Dignity of Service Users, we celebrated dignity day on the 25th February, we also discussed this at our team meeting and it was agreed that all of the team would like to become Dignity Champions (it is what we do any way) can you send around 12 forms for us to complete and return , many thanks“