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  • The Argus - 23 February 2010

    Dignity action day this Thursday 25th february 10.30am-12.30pm at New Larchwood.

  • Surrey Comet - 25 February 2010

    NHS Surrey, Surrey County Council and Surrey Care Association have all voiced their support for today's National Dignity Action Day.

  • Stroud News and Journal - 19th February 2010

    As part of the Gloucestershire Dignity in Care Campaign, spearheaded nationally by Sir Michael Parkinson, Gloucestershire Care Services' Care Home Support Team has developed a dignity training package...

  • Sterling Care and Support - 25 February 2010

  • South West Yorkshire Partnership - 25 February 2010

    The Trust is holding an event in partnership with Branches Day Centre in Batley, which is a day centre for older people with a learning disability, to promote everyone's right to dignity in care.

  • SLK Training and Consultancy - 5th February 2010

    The action day asks everybody to give the gift of time and help to uphold peoples rights to dignity by providing a truly memorable day for people receiving care.

  • Scarborough Evening News

    A SCARBOROUGH day care centre proved it had a high regard for the dignity of its visitors after taking part in a national campaign.

  • Salisbury Journal - 24th February 2010

    PEOPLE who believe that being treated with dignity and respect is a human right and not an optional extra are being asked to sign up as 'dignity champions'. Wiltshire Council is asking people to become...

  • Portsmouth City PCT

    Dignity Action Day will also celebrate a very special event for former Portsmouth FC player Len Phillips at around 11am. He will be accepted into the football club's Hall of Fame - a well-deserved honour...

  • Nottinghamshire County Council - 25 January 2010

    Dignity Action Day asks health and social care workers to take action in their place of work to promote dignity. It also asks members of the public to do what they can to take action on this day to promote...