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  • My Tooting - 9 February 2010

    Dignity Action Day asks health and social care workers to take action in their place of work to promote dignity. It also asks members of the public to do what they can to take action on this day to promote...

  • Midlands Business News - 17 February 2010

    The national Dignity Action Day (25th February 2010) is being marked in Nottingham by an event organised by the Nottingham Mental Capacity Act Forum, which will discuss and review the current and potential...

  • Makes a Change - 25 February 2010

    Dignity Action Day gives everyone the opportunity to contribute to upholding people's rights to dignity and provide a truly memorable day for people receiving care.

  • Lancashire County Council - 17 February 2010

    Lancashire County Council and its partner agencies are marking Dignity Action Day with a series of events designed to highlight the authority's commitment to ensuring that everyone who uses care services...

  • Kirklees Council - 17 February 2010

    Kirklees Council Adult Services is supporting national Dignity Action Day which will be held on February 25.

  • Kingston Guardian - 25th February 2010

    NHS Surrey, Surrey County Council and Surrey Care Association have all voiced their support for today's National Dignity Action Day.

  • Kent County Council - 24 February 2010

    For Kent, dignity is a high priority and Kent County Council works hard to bring a better quality of life to older people and anyone who is getting care.

  • Hertfordshire County Council - 25 February 2010

    More than 2 million health and social care staff provide support and care to people in need. Over 11,000 of those staff - including some in Hertfordshire - have joined forces to provide a more dignified...

  • Halton LINk - 25 February 2010

    Dignity Action Day gives everyone the opportunity to contribute to upholding people's rights to dignity and provide a truly memorable day for people receiving care.

  • Greenwich Council - 1 February 2010

    This new initiative is part of the Dignity in Care Campaign, which aims to ensure people in care are treated as individuals and given choice, control and a sense of purpose in their daily activities....