Latest resources

  • Portsmouth Hospital Dignity Initiatives

    Dignity Links- In June 2007, (way before we 'needed' to!!) we decided that if Dignity in Care was to be viewed within our department as 'as important' as other issues such as Infection Prevention and...

  • Alzheimers Society South East Branch

    Alzheimer's Society Area Forum Meeting included branch managers & volunteers, a presentation by the south east regional dignity lead was followed by an ideas session for the purposes of their initiaition...

  • NHS South of Tyne & Wear Dignity Workshops

    Dignity Matters Workshops held by NHS South of Tyne & Wear had strong feedback from attendees, find out more.....

  • Dignity & Respect Agenda in all courses

    The learning & development team at Dorset County Council are ensuring that the Dignity & Respect agenda is delivered in all training courses delivered or comissioned by them. This is through...

  • Stoke on Trent Dignity Work

    Stoke on Trent have implemented the 'It's My Life Training Strategy' and Life Biography Work.... Adult Social Care and Health launched in April 2008 the "It's My Life" training strategy. The strategy...

  • Resident at care home helps in interviewing process

    Care Manager Kim Hurst decided to invite resident Alison Mitchell to help interview prospective new staff. Alison Mitchell has lived at Highroyd Residential Home in Huddersfield for two years, when...

  • Jayne Biddiscombe spreading the word

    "As the 3,000 th dignity champion, I feel charged to spread the word" Read here how 30 minutes out of Jaynes day helps to spread the word. I am a cardiac nurse, but have joined the training department...

  • South West region Dignity awards ceremony

    The regional ceremony for the south west were held last week to congratulate teh runners up & winners of the 2009 peoples award for dignity in care

  • Southern Cross Dignity Champions

    Southern Cross Health Care have implemented training for Dignity Champions. Wendy Averall explaions here how it was implemented & the changes it has made

  • A Dignified Revolution April Newsletter 2009

    Updated from April