Latest resources

  • NHS Western Cheshire

    NHS Western Cheshire NHS Western Cheshire has embedded the dignity agenda in the Quality Section of the standard NHS contracts with their main providers for acute, community services and mental health...

  • Blackpool, fyde & Wyre

    Blackpool Fyde & Wyre NHS foundation trust have devised a dignity audit tool and undertaken a baseline assessment across the whole of the Trust. When the results were analysed, they have themed the...

  • Laundry identification system in care homes

    As part of Nottingham City Council's drive to promote Dignity in Care, the use of a new laundry identification system called 'Stayput' has been piloted in Care Homes for Older People. All 142 residents...

  • Lancashire County Council Commercial Group

    Lancashire County Council Commercial Group (LCCG) are the Council's In House provider of care services for older people in Lancashire:See how they adopted the Dignity in Care challenge

  • Dignity in Care & the London Marathon

    Vinesh Kumar completes the London Marathon promoting Dignity in Care! Vinesh says.....I have been an active dignity champion for London for couple of years and have promoted Dignity in Care initiative...

  • UHB Dignity Day

    The Dignity in care team at UHB arranged an all day event on 26 th March to showcase the range of Dignity initiatives within the Trust.

  • Sir Michael Parkinson on Sunshine Radio

    The sunshine radio team at Weston Area NHS Trusts were delighted when Sir Michael knocked on their studio door for an impromptu interview during his visit to the hospital on 6 April. Following a tour...

  • Kirklees Council Dignity Posters

    Kirklees Council Adult Services and NHS Kirklees have joined forces to launch a poster campaign

  • Nottingham County Council launch Dignity

    Nottinghamshire county council launch their Dignity campaign with launch event & radio adverts

  • The Careforce Group

    The Care Force Group, an independant care home provider have developed a Dignity strategy