Latest resources

  • University College London Hospitals

    Understanding what is meant by 'dignity' and the importance of dignity in care was one of the key messages at the launch of the dignity champion role at University College London Hospitals at the end...

  • RCN Award winning Dignity Video

    An educational film commissioned by the Royal College of Nursing has won a Gold World award at the prestigious New York Festivals International Film and Video Awards 2009. The film was produced in partnership...

  • Dignity, Older People & Home Care in Newcastle

    Dignity and Home Care in Newcastle Between April - August 2008, MA student Louise Reeve carried out research into what dignity means for both older people in Newcastle who receive care at home,...

  • Listening, responding, improving

    A report by the health care comission about how people are taking part in planning & improving health services

  • Vegetarian for Life

    Nutrition in older people is paramount to health, do all services know enough about catering for vegetarian & vegan clients?

  • Monitoring & befriending

    Are you a member of the public? Do you have spare time on your hands? Do you want to help others? Can you support those in care? Find out more about the Monitoring & befriending scheme

  • Somerset PCT dignity action plan

    Somerset PCT share their dignity action plan

  • Gowns for all

    One Dignity champion from Leicester had the brainwave to buy oversized gowns when one of her patients was left with nothing to wear when the standard hospital gown was too small.

  • Greater Manchester Mental Health

    Greater Manchester Mental Health Trust hosted a Dignity event in February & are now arranging for champions from one clinical team to work alongside peers to use an assesment framework to determine...

  • Sir Michael visits Weston Area NHS Trust 06 April 2009

    You can read here about Sir Michael's visit to Weston Area NHS Trust and view some of the media coverage from the day.