Latest resources

  • St Helens & Knowsley Hospitals NHS Trust

    St Helens and Knowsley NHS Hospitals has identified an Older People's Champion from every ward and department within the Trust. We are a group of individuals who have a genuine desire to improve services...

  • Pennine Acute Hospital NHS Trust

    The Skills Trainer for delivering Dignity & Respect was appointed in January 2008 to provide teaching sessions to AfC Bands 1 - 4 is responsible, primarily, for the delivery of training around the...

  • Aintree University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

    The Trust continues to have a structured, busy programme of work focusing on Dignity in Care issues. Since the last update, the Trust has continued to utilise a Dignity / Older Persons Champions Group...

  • East Lancashire Primary Care Trust

    East Lancashire PCT looks at dignity across all age groups from birth onwards, not just focused on older people. I led on the Benchmarking of Privacy and Dignity (having adapted the Essence of Care...

  • Bolton Metropolitan Council

    Bolton MBC launched our Dignity Action Plan at a high profile conference on 23.5.08 which included a number of national speakers (programme attached - presentations available on council website). They...

  • (Tameside Training Consortium) Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council

    All training commissioned through the consortium has the Dignity in Care 10 points within the contracts. Courses throughout the year reflect Dignity in Care and one of the recent and very successful...

  • Manchester City Council

    Manchester launched its Dignity in Care campaign in October 2007, using a Daisy as its emblem, 'branded' so care homes exceeding the standards would be easily recognised by people looking for quality...

  • Warrington Borough Council

    Dictionary definitions describe dignity as: 'a state, quality or manner worthy of esteem or respect; and (by extension) self-respect.' Dignity in Care, therefore, means the kind of care which supports...

  • Shahed Mayet, Dignity Champion, Milen Day Centre, Batley

    Shahed Mayet is the Manager of the Milen Day Centre which throughout the week provides day care for 106 Asian elders in Batley, West Yorkshire. The centre, which has a care philosophy that recognises...

  • Nottinghamshire Dignity Champions

    Nottinghamshire County Council Cllr. Alan Rhodes, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care & Health Linda Bayliss, Strategic Services Director Linda Bayliss is available for interviews on...