Latest resources

  • Mick Ward - Dignity Champion at Leeds City Council

    Mick Ward is a Dignity Champion who led Leeds City Council's flagship Dignity in Care project. The project recently won the national NHS Health and Social Care Award 2008, which was based on the Council's...

  • Leicestershire Dignity Champions

    Mary McCausland (Older People's Service Manager) Leicester City Council LCC is working in partnership with Leicester City PCT, other NHS organisations and the independent and voluntary sector...

  • Dignity in Care: Barnsley Alzheimer's Society

    Caring for a family member suffering from Alzheimer's disease is a labour of love, but a heartbreakingly difficult one. Here, a former carer explains how her local Dignity Steering Group is working together...

  • Eastern Region Good Practice Examples

    Read here about some of the good practice taking place in Eastern region

  • Age Concern YouTube clip - Once we were young campaign video

    Visit Youtube to view this seven minute campaign video from Age Concern.

  • A Dignified Revolution Website

    To find out more about A Dignified Revolution, how you can become involved and to sign up for their regular newsletter with updates on dignity in care in Wales please visit their website.

  • A Dignified Revolution - PDF leaflet

    This leaflet provides more information about A Dignified Revolution A Dignified Revolution is a group of individuals, the majority of whom are nurses, who want to improve the care of older people...

  • Manchester Dignity in Care Campaign

    Manchester launched its Dignity in Care campaign in October 2007, using a Daisy as its emblem, 'branded' so care homes exceeding the standards would be easily recognised by people looking for quality...

  • Karan Pearson - United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust

    The OT Dept at LCH is split into four teams, this reply is from the team I am currently working in. During the course of our everyday activity as a team we have discussed some issues that we come across...

  • Caroline England - Northamptonshire County Council

    I am a day service co ordinator for Nottinghamshire County Council. We work with people who have a learning disability and receive a service from Nottinghamshire County Council. Our role is to create...