Latest resources

  • Dignity in care - Privacy

    Privacy is closely related to respect and features as a prominent issue throughout the related literature. Resources associated with promoting privacy within care services are available to download from...

  • Ministerial webchat: Full transcript 21 May 2008

    The third live webchat with the Minister for Care Services (Ivan Lewis MP) and Dignity Champions was well attended on 21st May. Many Dignity Champions submitted a variety of challenging and thought provoking...

  • Ministerial webchat: Full transcript 20 Feb 2008

    On 20 February 2008 Gordon Lishman, Director General of Age Concern joined the Care Services Minister in a live webchat with Dignity Champions.

  • Feedback and Press Release from North West Dignity Tour event - Manchester, 16 June 2008

    On 16th June 2008, the Care Services Minister, Ivan Lewis MP visited the Dove's Nest Care Home in Manchester and heard about Manchester City Council's work on dignity including their development of a...

  • Feedback and Press Release from the Dignity Tour Launch Event - Guy's and St Thomas Hospital, London 20 May

    This resource provides a detailed note of the roundtable discussion and a copy of the press release issued on the day in which Sir Michael Parkison is announced as Dignity Ambassador. The press release...

  • Sir Michael Parkinson on Dignity in the Sun Newspaper

    Published on 22 May this article by Michael Parkinson talks about his role as Dignity Ambassador and his mother's care before her death last year.

  • Sir Michael Parkinson on Dignity in the Telegraph

    Ahead of the launch of a national Dignity tour around England's care homes and hospitals, Michael Parkinson explains why dignity is an issue very close to his heart in this online article in the Telegraph....

  • Dignity in Care on the DH website

    The Dignity in Care Webpages on the DH website provide latest news on the campaign with links to key press releases and PS(CS) speeches. Prior to launching the Dignity in Care Campaign, Ministers and...

  • Patient Opinion

    Patient Opinions is all about enabling patients to share their experiences of health care, and by doing so help other patients - and perhaps even change the NHS. As well as allowing everyone to see...

  • Patients Association

    The Patients Association is a national charity providing patients with an opportunity to raise concerns and share experiences of healthcare. Through their Helpline, correspondence and research they...