Latest resources

  • DH Webpages - Patient and Public Involvement

    A number of initiatives aim to help achieve a stronger voice for individuals and communities. This external link to the DH website gives key sources of information and guidance relating to these initi...

  • Case Study - Leeds Older People's Strategic Partnership work on dignity

    A major Scrutiny Board Inquiry was conducted into Dignity in Care across all relevant Leeds organisations in which senior managers were called to account. This resulted in organisations developing action...

  • Dignity in Care Practice Guide - Complaints

    The complaints section of the SCIE Dignity in Care Practice Guide provides detailed information on how to complain, points to remember and signposts to where people can get additional help and advice....

  • SCIE Dignity in Care Guide - The Dignity Challenge - Whistleblowing

    The Whistleblowing section of the Dignity in Care Practice Guide explores key research and policy finding related to whistleblowing. It provides practice points for organisations and do's and don't's...

  • NHS Institute and Dignity

    The NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement supports the NHS in transforming healthcare for patients and the public by rapidly developing and spreading new ways of working, new technology and world-class...

  • Dignity in Care Practice Guide

    In partnership with the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) and the Care Services Improvement Partnership (CSIP) we have developed an online practice guide. This guide has been designed to help...

  • NHS Choices Website

    NHS Choices will be the at the heart of the new relationship between the NHS, Social services and the communities they serve. It is a driver of improvement, enabling free choice and providing a unique...

  • World Class Commissioning

    World Class Commissioning is a government initiative to improve the quality of commissioning in health and social care. The emphasis is on evidence based, high quality care that provides service users...

  • Examples from organisations using the Dignity Challenge

    This document contains examples of how health and social care organisations are using the Dignity Challenge in their local areas to improve dignity in care.

  • SCIE Stand up for Dignity - The Dignity Challenge Guide

    Find out more about the Dignity Challenge with the SCIE Stand up for Dignity Guide. Identified under each of the 10 Challenge statements are dignity tests, which organisations can use to see how they...