CQC Documents, published on 3 December, CQC praises improvements but calls for new drive to eliminate poor adult social care services
The Care Quality Commission published three documents on 3 December 2009, with the focus of quality of adult social care. The documents, all published on 3 December, provide:
- An assessment of 148 councils' social care services for adults, including performance against seven outcomes set by the government (pdf - 1.26Mb) (opens new window)
- An analysis of whether councils are commissioning the best possible care, whether this is from the private, voluntary or public sector (pdf - 61Kb) (opens new window)
- An update on the performance of 24,000 care homes, home care agencies, nursing agencies and shared lives schemes looking at whether quality is improving (pdf - 2.41Mb) (opens new window)
- CQC's formal response to the government's Green Paper on social care, called: (pdf - 198Kb) (opens new window)