Memory Book
Dignity Forum 2013
To celebrate Dignity Action Day, the Trust’s practice development team, held a dignity forum at Wexham Park Hospital.
The event held on Tuesday, 5 February, focussed on topics that reflect local and national concerns, such as protecting dignity in end of life care and when caring for patients with learning disabilities, and promoting patient’s independence. The day which consisted of presentations followed by interactive workshops, provided an opportunity for staff from across the organisation and other local healthcare professionals to come together to discuss the challenges they face and to work through solutions together.
Jo Hawthorne, Chair, Carers UK – Slough and District Branch said, “This was an excellent day, with a well thought out agenda. The presentations were very informative with great engagement for participants. The workshops provided a good opportunity for involvement as a group, which helps endorse the whole dignity challenge as an individual and as a wider group.”
Attendees were also encouraged to try the Trust’s special age simulation and empathy suit which provides the wearer with an opportunity to experience first hand age-related impairments and the physical restrictions and mental fatigue related to these. First to try on the suit was Trust Chairman, Mike O’Donovan, who was only too pleased to join in and experience the effects of ageing first hand.
Mike also presented a “leading light” award to Healthcare Assistant, Gabrielle Karmowski, considered a role model for delivering good care with thoughtfulness and respect.
Gabrielle said, “I am delighted to have received this award. I have always believed it was important to go that extra mile for every patient and it is nice to be recognised for this. Not only for me, but for all of my colleagues who work hard at delivering first class care with compassion and dedication.”
Juliet Roberts, Practice Development Lead Nurse (Privacy and Dignity) said, “The day was a real success and we have had some very positive feedback from people who attended. We are very excited to begin developing other awareness/ training ideas to build on what we have already accomplished.”