Memory Book

Mayor @ Elizabeth Ct

The Mayor (Councillor Geoffrey Pearl) and Mayoress of St. Helens were invited to attend a Memorial Day at Elizabeth Court to commemorate all those we have loved and lost to Dementia. The Mayor planted a tree, donated by a local garden centre and a plaque was donated for the Mayor to unveil. He then cut the ribbon to officially open a memorial garden designed and created by the Home Manager. Speeches were made and there wasn't a dry eye to be seen, but the mood soon turned to smiles when upon release, 100 balloons failed to rise in the air and the Mayor, Mayoress, staff and families had to guide them on their way. A buffet was provided and everyone was asked to write a comment in a special memory book. Large commemorative pebbles were available for families to write on the name of their loved one as these would later be placed in the memorial garden. Purple and lilac ribbons were also available for families to tie on the tree. It was an honour to meet the Mayor and Mayoress and a memorable day touched many hearts.

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