Memory Book
DAD14 update

We had a fantastic Dignity display for staff and public to share there thoughts about what dignity means to them, these thoughts have now been developed in to a short video to raise awarenes and inspire staff. the video was developed in collaboration with local college media students and is now availible both internally and externally on the hospital intranet and via you tube.
We signed up new dignity champions and reached our aim of 500 champions signed up.
We also launched the first draft of a behavioural code for comment, which as now been adopted into our Trust's culture project to show "how we do things" in our trust and the importance of behaviour to role model and promote dignified care.
We celebrated our dignity successes; the trust wide launch of personal listeners for patients with a hearing loss and the benefits reports by our patients.
Finally, we held out Digni-tea which was full supported by our Exec. team and agreed 3 dignity project for the year ahead.