News from Champions - Summer 2022
Here's a brief roundup of some of the things our Champions have been doing this summer...
- Parklands Court residents have been involved in this years Big Butterfly Count. As part of their preparations they made butterflies.
- Davlyn House in The West Midlands had a great time during June, celebrating Father’s Day and the Platinum Jubilee. Download thier summary. (opens new window) Congratulations also to them for their Social Care COVID Hero Award in Staffordshire’s Care Awards.
- At our Webinar in May Liz Taylor reflected on ways in which she has started thinking about how to ensure a positive outcome for herself and her loved ones, when things get a bit tough. Basically she has a little black book and in that she notes down all the relevant information. Be that the name of people to contact for support, relevant telephone numbers, things that crop up in discussion. It is never easy to talk about end of life, but things do crop up in conversation. It might be “I’d really like that hymn, poem, song at my funeral”, or “if anything happens I’d like”. Make a note of these, so that in times of crisis you aren’t struggling to remember. Downlaod Liz’s slides (opens new window).
- 2022 Staffordshire Dignity in Care Awards - Over 200 guests were joined by family members and work colleagues for the annual celebration held at Newcastle College of Performing Arts. Learn more (opens new window)