Memory Book

Field House

The team at Field House inAlfreton, Derbyshire organised a day of activities for service users to celebrate Dignity Action Day. Horti- Health a charity specialising in horticultural therapy to the elderly and those with disabilities visited on the morning of 5th February and the service users at Field House enjoyed a morning of planting bulbs and bedding in pots to decorate the garden in readiness for the Spring. Carole Guy, Hospital Manager at Field House commented “this was a great way for residents to connect with nature and the great outdoors on a cold Winter’s day in February.”

During the afternoon friends and family joined Service Users and staff at Field House for afternoon tea. Carole added “We had a special Dignity cake make by our fantastic cook Judith, then we all took part in a raffle and had great fun winning prizes. We are now looking forward to the Spring when Horti-Health will be coming back again to help us with our gardening project”.

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